
Personal Umbrella Insurance

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What is Personal Umbrella Insurance?

Most property and business owners need more than just the basic liability coverage that comes with their home, other personal and commercial property, rental property, auto, motorcycle, boat, and recreational vehicles. Know more about Personal Umbrella Insurance.

This protection begins when the limits to your standard policies are exhausted. Basic limits on your auto, home, RVs, etc. usually ends at $100,000 or $300,000 of bodily injury and property damage. Should someone fall on your steps or slip on your sidewalk, and is seriously injured, are you financially prepared for a lawsuit beyond your basic limits?

Example: An insured’s son lost control of his vehicle, left the road and rolled down a hill. Three passengers were in the vehicle. As a result of the accident, one is now a quadriplegic; the claim was settled for $1,325,000.

Example: A 41-year-old periodontist suffered injuries to his face and fingers following a head-on auto accident. A jury assessed the defendant damages of $576,000.

That is why you should consider a Personal Umbrella Policy with limits ranging from $1,000,000 to $5,000,000. It is the cushion that gives peace of mind.

Who is Covered by a Personal Umbrella Policy?

Generally, you, your spouse, and family members (relatives) living in your household who are under your care or the care of a relative living with you when operating most motor vehicles, including cars, RVs, motorcycles, pickup trucks, and even most watercraft.

What is Covered Under a Personal Umbrella?

Incidents involving injuries on property covered by your basic homeowner’s policy.

Incidents alleging slander, libel, defamation of character, invasion of privacy, even false arrest.

Who Needs Personal Umbrella Coverage?

Families with young drivers.

Owners and operators of automobiles, watercraft, ATVs, motorcycles, and other recreational vehicles.

Property owners who frequently host parties and recreational activities on their property, especially with swimming pools, hot tubs, or trampolines.

Landlords, homeowners, real estate investors, and anyone with substantial property and assets.

People who serve on non-profit boards that might be exposed to liability.

What is Required to Buy Personal Umbrella Insurance?

Minimum Required Underlying Limits are 100/300/50 on auto and RVs, etc. $300,000 on homeowners and rental property policies.

Business owners can contact our commercial department for commercial umbrella policies on their buildings and vehicles with limits available up to $10,000,000.

Champagne Insurances

We provide insurance for you to make sure you are safe in trouble time.

