
New Orleans Professional Liability Insurance

Be Insured in Minutes – No Office Visit Required!

What is Professional Liability?

Coverage designed to protect professionals against liability incurred as a result of errors and omissions or the failure of your work to be performed as promised in your contract or professional services. Know more about Professional Liability Insurance.

A Commercial General Liability Policy does not provide Professional Liability Coverage. A General Liability Policy does not provide coverage for errors, contract performance disputes, or any other professional liability issues.

For more information and rates contact our Quote Department directly at (877) 506-6761 or click to Request a Quote!

What Does Professional Liability Cover?

Litigation costs.

Damages awarded by the court, up to policy limits.

For more information and rates contact our Quote Department directly at (877) 506-6761 or click to Request a Quote!

Who Needs Professional Liability Coverage?


Real Estate Brokers



Insurance Agents



Financial Advisors

For more information and rates contact our Quote Department directly at (877) 506-6761 or click to Request a Quote!

How Much Professional Liability Insurance Do I Need?

Your employer may determine coverage requirements.

Limits are available from $100,000 to $5,000,000.

Rates vary based on professional services rendered.

For more information and rates contact our Quote Department directly at (877) 506-6761 or click to Request a Quote!

Champagne Insurances

We provide insurance for you to make sure you are safe in trouble time.

