
New Orleans Surety Bonds

Be Insured in Minutes – No Office Visit Required!

What Are Surety Bonds?

Bonds are a written agreement in which one party, the surety, guarantees the performance or honesty of a second party, the principal (obligor), to the third party (oblige) to whom the performance or debt is owed.

Surety Bonds are three-party agreements in which the issuer of the bond (the surety) joins with the second party (the principal) in providing protection to a third party (the obligee) regarding fulfillment of an obligation on the part of the principal. An obligee is the party (person, corporation or government agency) to whom a bond is given. The obligee is also the party protected by the bond against loss.

Champagne Insurances

We provide insurance for you to make sure you are safe in trouble time.

